Cognitive Computing and the Global Building Industry

How AI and IoT are transforming where we live

by Terry Beaubois

Terry with the Architecture School at Andhra University, India

Terry with the Architecture School at Andhra University, India

The building industry is one of the oldest: dating back at least 6,000 years as soon as we started creating settlements and communities. It is also one of the most pervasive with the global construction industry expected to be worth $10.3 trillion by 2020.

My interest in applying cognitive computing to the global building industry began with my consulting work with NASA in the late 1970’s — early 1980’s. The topics at that time included Space Station Design; Artificial Intelligence; Virtual Reality (called Telepresence at the time) and telerobotics; early Mars Rover technology (connecting video camera imagery with computer analyses) and design of a Research Lab module for the U.S. Space Shuttle...